Monday, December 5, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rosa Emeline Miller Shelton (1843-1911)

I received an email with the information about Rosa Shelton below from Mary Lenzi. Thank you Mary!

!Death: Death records of Salt Lake City Film #0026556
!Shelton Family Book 1: section: 1  page 5
Registeration #G487

!Desert News Obituary Film #0026981
!Furnal of Mrs Shelton
Furnal service for Rose Emeline Shelton age 66 years.  Who died on Monday at the home of her daughter in Provo were held this afternoon at 2'oclock at the home of Heber J. Romney 122 C Street.  Mrs Shelton was the widow of Robert Shelton and was widley known in Salt Lake City and throughout the state having been a pioneer resident of the State.  Interment was in Mt. Oilvet Cemetery.
Rosa Emeline Shelton age 66 years

The Death of Rosa Shelton
Dies at home in Provo Following throat Trouble
    (Special to the News)
Provo,  Utah:   April 5 Mrs Rosa Shelton of Salt Lake City, dies at the home of her sister her, Mrs E. J. Durrant following and illness of some time from Thorat Trouble.  Mrs Shelton had been living for several months in this city.   She was born in France, Sept. 27, 1844;  and came to Utah in 1872;  afterwards becoming a member of the "Mormon Chruch"  of which she had been consisient and faithful adherent.  She is survied by numerous relatives.  The Furnal arrangements will be made after arrival of the body in Salt Lake City, to which place it is being sent.  (In the Deseret News Under the Provo Section)

!Burial Mount Olivet Cemetery
Grave Location:  E K of P-6-1
She is buried next to Robert Shelton her husband

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Obituaries: Joseph R. Shelton (1883-1941)

The article is from the newspaper Salt Lake Telegram, 1941-04-23. I discovered it on this website: I attempted to transcribe the article below, since it was so small. Let me know if you see any erros; I would be happy to correct them.

Joseph R. Shelton
            Joseph R. Shelton, 58,
220 Lucy avenue
, died Tuesday night in a Salt Lake hospital of coronary occlusion.
            Mr. Shelton who had been in the lumber business in Salt Lake City for many years, was born here October 26, 1882, a son of George and Caroline Shelton.
            Surviving are three sons, William G. and Harry Shelton, Salt Lake City, and Kenneth Shelton, Ft Ord. Cal.; three daughter, Mrs. Dora Gardner, Miss Ellen Shelton and Miss LaVon Shelton, Salt Lake City three brothers, Leo Shelton, Salt Lake City; Fred Shelton. Lehi, and William Shelton. American Fork, and three sisters. Mrs. Belle McHugh, Mrs. Harriet Bowers and Mrs. Pearl Jeppson, all residing in California.
            Funeral services will be conducted Sunday in the Thirtieth LDS ward chapel at a time to be determined.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

PHT_0179 & PHT_0180: John Richard Shelton & Mary Wann Shelton


Today I looked on and found these two photos.
Could this be John William Shelton (1889-1945)?  John Richard Shelton (1827-1883)

Written on the back:

Mother's Uncle
Uncle John
Shelton from Logan

Uncle John Shelton from Logan


No idea who this could be or how she ties into the family line.  Mary Wann Shelton (1834-1905)

Written on the back:

Ann Shelton

Ann Shelton

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Elizabeth Lee Britton (1819-1895)

This photo is part of the C.R. Savage Collection which my father discovered online. Here is the link:

C.R. Savage Photo of Elizabeth Lee Britton (1819-1895)

There is a front and back image of the photo.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Caroline Almira Britton and George Slowther Shelton Family; Britton Women

Received a copy of this page from Nathele King Bowers. In the center is Caroline Almira Britton and her husband George Slowther Shelton.

The lower bottom photo is one I posted earlier (Britton Women). Caroline Almira Britton Shelton is standing on the far left.

The children of Caroline Almira Britton and George Slowther Shelton are as follows.
1-Margaret Elizabeth (photo not present)
2-Caroline Isabella
3-George Robert
4-Mary Alice
5-Fredrick Henry
6-Joseph Richard
7-Harriet Ann
8-Susannah Pearl
9-John William (photo not present)
10-Leo Shelton

Monday, March 14, 2011

Letter from Aunt Kate to Hattie & Ione - 9 Jan 1968

Letter written to: Ione Lavella Bowers and harriet Ann Shelton Bowers
Letter written from: Aunt Kate (Possibly Catherine S. Sager. She was married to Harriet's brother John William Shelton.)
In the letter the following people were mentioned:
Leo and Irene (Leo Shelton and Irene Lake King who were married. Leo is Harriet's brother as well.)
Florence (Possibly Florence McHugh)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Leo Shelton (1893-1975)

On the back is written "brother Leo". Leo Shelton (1893-1975), Harriet Ann Shelton's youngest brother.

Sharing Genealogy

If anyone would like to post photos or stories on this blog, I would be happy to grant you access as a blog author. Or if anyone else has a bettter idea of how we can create a Bowers community of sharing online, I am open to suggestions. I had the thought of building a family tree on which is free. Comments or suggestions send to

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Britton Family

On the back is written:
Liz, Fred [left to right]
Uncle Fred & Joe
blind [referring to Fred and] deaf [referring to Joe]

Not quite sure who Liz is. Fred could be Frederick Henry Britton and Joe could be Joseph Moroni Britton. The photo above is faded, there is a man on the right hand side.

Frank King Shelton (1909-1911)

On the back of this photo-postcard, someone hand wrote "Sadies boy Frank". Also on the back is printed:

69 EAST 2nd SO.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bob Shelton Girl? Unsure.

Written on the back: Bob Shelton girl?

If so, which one? Not sure about this...

Frank King Shelton (1909-1911)?

On the back of this is written: Sadie's boy died; Sadie + Bob Shelton.

Thinking that Sadie and Bob Shelton are George Robert Shelton and Sarah Julian King. One of their sons died young, Frank King Shelton.

Britton Women

On the back of the photo the following names were written:

[back row, l-r] Caroline Almira Britton; Aunt Harriet Leatham; Aunt Susan Staples
[front row, l-r] [nothing written for this woman]; Grandmother Shelton

Due to someone else's helpful input and other's photos posted on, I was able to come up with names for the individuals as follows:

[back row, l-r] Caroline Almira Britton Shelton; Harriet Matilda Britton Leatham; Susanna Bayliss Britton Staples
[front row, l-r] Mary Britton Loveless; Sarah Amelia Britton Wooten

Unsure About This Photo

On the back someone wrote "Sadie & Doug". Maybe Sadie refers to Sarah Julian King Shelton and Doug would be her son Robert Douglas Shelton. But, the little one is wearing a dress. Did little boys wear dresses? Also on the back are notes of some history written by Lynard Bowers probably told to him by his father Leo Clifford Bowers:

"later they built porch on right
had Alzimer's disease or something
set her on rocker and she would stay
Uncle Bob
freight line - team of horses next street
....good man
heavy wagon
daughter - Emma"

Hypothesis right now is that the home belonged to George Robert Shelton and Sarah Julian King... any input?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Paul Leroy Shelton (1911-1933)

Paul Leroy Shelton's parents are George Robert Shelton and Sarah Julian King.

Martha Pearl Jepson (1911-1975)

The woman is Martha Pearl Jepson. Her parents are Alexander Andrew Jepson and Susannah Pearl Shelton. Martha's husband is Henry Joseph Gras. Not sure who the man is in the photo, possibly her husband?

Harriet Ann Shelton (1885-1978) and her father George Slowther Shelton (1849-1927) PHT_0172 & PHT_0168



Florence Hazel McHugh (1899-1969)

These three photos are of Florence McHugh. Here parents are John Henry McHugh and Caroline Isabella Shelton.

Caroline Isabella Shelton (1875-1958)

Also known as Aunt Belle. Her parents are George Slowther Shelton and Caroline Almira Britton. She married John Henry McHugh and has a daughter, Florence McHugh.

Shelton Children

Do you know who these children are?

Old Candy Dish

An old candy dish brought over from England with the Shelton family? Does anyone know where this is?

The Children of George Slowther Shelton and Caroline Almira Britton (circa 1889)

This is a copy; I do not have the original. Someone typed the names onto the photo. The only name that I question is the oldest girl in the middle. She is listed as the mother "Caroline Almira Britton Shelton (1853-1921)". I believe it should be the daughter Caroline Isabella Shelton (1875-1958).